
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Impatient Parents: A Case Study

ELCC 5.4 Evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision making in the school
Summary: A parent of a female student claims that a boy in her daughter’s geometry class has been
repeatedly harassing her daughter over the way she is dressed, among other things. The parent
claims she has complained multiple times and now demands the harassment stop immediately. Immediate action is required. If the harassment allegations are
determined to be true, the harassers’ parents would need to be contacted and a consequence
would need to be meted out, either a detention that could include an essay about why harassment
is harmful or suspensions depending on the true severity of the misbehavior.
Photo by Max Fischer on Pexels

School Dress Code: A Case Study

ELCC Standard 5.1 Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior as related to their roles within the school.
Summary: A new administrator has been tasked with devising a way to combat an ever-increasing
number of dress code and ID violations. Students complain the dress code is unfair, teachers feel uncomfortable enforcing it. One solution is to set expectations early and make them widely known (through a school-wide assembly). Monitor the results and if violations don't decrease consider a school uniform policy.

Clinical Field Experience B - Schoolwide Budgetary Needs

Orinda Intermediate School (OIS) is a public middle school in Contra Costa County
which lies in San Francisco’s East Bay. The student population of 834 students is the
majority white with the largest minority population of students representing Southeast
Asia. Because of its size and
location in an affluent Northern California suburb, the allocations of funds from the
legislature is among the lowest in the state. Fortunately, parents and the larger Orinda
community have recognized the deficit and historically have been fully supportive of the
district’s funding needs.
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